January 24, 2025
Genesis 1:1-5 NLT
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day.
How is it that on day one God says, “let there be light” and there’s light, yet the sun, moon, and stars are created on day four (Genesis 1:14-19)? It begs a question. What was the source of light in our universe for three days? Keep in mind, the first three days are not twenty-four hour days. These three days are eras of time. After all, we are still in the seventh day. God rested on the seventh day and He is still resting. He has not started creating again.
Sometimes when we need answers from God, we tend to ask God for a sign or a signal. We want God to leave an indelible and undeniable mark that confirms it’s from Him. If you receive a promise or a word from God, we often ask God to give us a sign or a confirmation of that word to know that it will come to pass. In all honesty, there’s nothing wrong with asking for confirmation. There’s nothing wrong with asking God for a sign. But just know, that the more mature you get in your walk and relationship with God, signs will not always accompany the word of God.
Even though there was no sign in the sky, such as the sun, or moon, or stars, for three whole days there was light in the sky. Simply because God spoke it into existence. Because the word of God was spoken, it had to be done, even if there wasn’t a sign in the sky as a light source.
Even if there are no signs that God’s promise is going to come to pass anytime soon. Even if there are no signs on the horizon to prove that you’re close to seeing God‘s promises and blessings, don’t lose faith. We have to be mature enough to trust God‘s word alone. If God said it, it has to come to pass. Instead of asking God for more signs and coming up empty, maybe we need to ask God for the faith and trust in His word. To understand that even if there are no signs to accompany the word, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to come to pass. If God is capable of creating things from absolutely nothing, and if nothing is currently happening from your perspective of life, that is the perfect canvas for God to do something. You serve a God who does his best work with nothing.
Have you been asking God for signs and haven’t gotten anything? What is the word God has spoken over your life? What are the promises he has given you?
Take a few minutes to think about this and write down your reflections in a journal or in your notes app.
Ask God to help you trust in His word, even if there are no signs that accompany that word.
God, even though I don’t see any signs or anything happening, help me not to lose faith. Help me to have enough maturity and faith to understand that if You said it, it will be done. Help me to have a confidence in you that if you spoke it into existence, it will be done. Help me to have confidence that even if nothing is happening in my life, that “nothing” is Your perfect canvas to do something incredible. You don’t need the weather or the season to be right, if You’ve spoken, your will be done. Amen.